Review: I SPIDER by Anthony Lance

“…think Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’ meets ‘The Birds’ with flashes of humor.” I have a rather compulsive habit of downloading books to my e-reader, so it was no surprise when I SPIDER joined the masses on my kindle after I read a few excerpts (Hanging on to sanity by a thread, Take care, there’s a caretaker, Caught yellow…

Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-A-Thon

Okay.  Denise and Karen over at BlogHer are chatting about a Read-A-Thon.  Dewey’s Read-A-Thon to be exact.  And it starts TOMORROW!  Yes. Saturday October 13, 2012. I have a million things I should do this weekend.  But the thought of vegging out with books for 24 hours sounds like my kind of fun.  I have literally…

A Dog's Purpose Cover

Review: A Dog’s Purpose

A couple of weeks ago I went into my local Barnes & Noble and walked past the giant table full of best-sellers. My intent was to pick up a few things in the technology section, but a light blue book with a sweet-faced, large black dog (lab?) on the front cover caught my eye. I…

Review: Bad Luck Cadet & Bad Luck Officer

…Law Enforcement Adventure With Humor, Compassion and True Grit If you love cop shows and cop novels and think the various CSI television series are how law enforcement actually works, then let me introduce you to author and heroine Suzie Ivy who will set the record straight and tells it like it really is.  And…

Look at That!

“There are some things you just can’t unsee, Mom,” my neighbor’s teenaged daughter said. It’s true, you know. Remember the hidden object games we all played as kids (or maybe still do in the doctor’s waiting room)? You look and look. You turn the page upside-down or sideways, closer or farther, another twist, and suddenly…

Guest Post: Author, Anita Finlay

Reading & Writing Cafe welcomes Anita Finlay, author of Dirty Words on Clean Skin: At Best Buy one lazy Sunday afternoon six years back, I sampled my first Ipod.  The preprogrammed music selections featured India.Arie singing “I Am Not My Hair,” a magnificent composition written, in part, to honor Melissa Etheridge, who appeared bald at the…